Sep 12, 2013

Dear Dad, Two Years Without You

Dear Dad, 

Today, 9/13/13, marks two years of living without you.  Honestly, my head can't allow my heart to fully comprehend the depth of that statement.  I believe my head is in constant protection mode of my heart.  If my heart ever felt the full effect of not having you in my world, I guarantee it would explode.    

I think of you every single day.  I miss your guidance, your love, your voice, your hug....bottom line is I miss you.  

While tears still come more easily, I can see more and more smiles starting to emerge when I think of you.  I know you would rather it be that way but I also hope you can cut me a break.  Losing you changed me and it's not been an easy journey.  

I do appreciate the little signs you sprinkle into my life to remind me I'm not alone.  I may not pick up on them the second I see them, but trust me I know they came from you and always...always at the right time.  Your timing is impeccable because you know just when I'm on the verge of cracking or when my heart is racing.  

So Dad, today, I am going to try to celebrate you!  I don't want to think about the details of this awful day two years ago but rather I want to remember....your lifetime of love, your silly laugh, your chubby, rugged hands, your freckles, your bald spot, your voice, your messages, your need for speed, your love of your grandpuppies, the lessons you taught me, the values you instilled in me, our bond, and the last words you spoke to me...."I love you too!"

Forever and ever to the moon and back my love for you will never stop!!

Love always, Sam